Woman buys earrings for less than 3 euros: Then she finds out the true value!
Metro Detroit (Michigan) - She had a feeling right away, but remained very skeptical. The bargain hunter from Metro Detroit, Michigan, had come across two antique earrings in the "Town Peddler Craft and Antique Mall". Although the jewelry only cost 2.71 US dollars (2.62 euros), the woman wasn't sure whether she should buy them. In the end, however, she made up her mind - luckily for her!
"I kept putting these earrings aside, taking them off and putting them back on. It's really a bit absurd," said the US-American, who wished to remain anonymous, in an interview with Newsweek this week.
Eventually, the junk dealer examined the merchandise more closely, holding it up to various light sources and tapping it with her fingernail. "I thought for a few dollars they were worth a closer examination," she told the US magazine.
So the customer bought the suspicious earrings and first showed them to her husband. He was also undecided and advised her to seek advice from a specialist.
A short time later, the bargain hunter went to a dealer specializing in antique vintage jewelry. Several people there looked at the earrings - and came to a clear decision.
Customer can make a handsome profit
"They looked at one of them and said, 'Yes, they hit the mark, nice find'." The earrings are made of elements of cobalt and gold.
"They also shimmer in different light. They are extraordinary and a piece of fashion history for me," the buyer told the news magazine.
As it turned out, the bargains were vintage jewelry from the Chanel fashion house. Their true value is in the region of 750 US dollars (approx. 725 euros). The woman enthusiastically posted her lucky find on Reddit a few days ago.
No wonder, as the clever customer made a profit of around 747 euros!