Two golden retrievers have to go to daycare: What happens there upsets many

Chicago (Illinois) - This TikTok clip is upsetting many users. It shows the golden retrievers Bill and Nelson from Chicago in a dog daycare center. But while Nelson is allowed to run around freely, Bill has to work in a small cage. But the real excitement comes when a member of staff releases him.

Their stay at the dog day care center was no walk in the park for golden retrievers Bill and Nelson.
Their stay at the dog day care center was no walk in the park for golden retrievers Bill and Nelson.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/billandnelson

The video has been going viral for three days and already has more than a million clicks. Since then, there have been several negative messages in the comments column.

The clip clearly shows that Bill is literally surrounded by the other dogs after his release. Several of them also try to mount the golden retriever.

But Bill is a male dog - and therefore far from sending out the appropriate signals. According to his owner's caption, Bill had previously ended up in a cage precisely because of this harassment by the other male dogs.

Some users cannot understand this. They are of the opinion that it is not the victim who should be punished, but the other dogs. Other users are simply disappointed with the overall situation and advise against visiting the day care center again.

Owner Claire (33) has now spoken out in an interview with Newsweek about the unpleasant and strange situation her pets found themselves in.

Viral TikTok video shows bizarre situation

Poor Bill: other dogs keep trying to mount the male dog.
Poor Bill: other dogs keep trying to mount the male dog.  © TikTok/Screenshot/billandnelson

"Personally, I don't think Bill minded being in a box for a while while he was there. It gave him a chance to relax if he was overstimulated," said the US-American.

The daycare had no explanation as to why the other males kept trying to mount Bill, the 33-year-old explained, adding: "I had no problem with how the daycare handled the situation."

However, the dog owner can reassure users who are now worried that the golden retrievers will be exposed to this stress again and again.

"We didn't go back to daycare. Bill didn't enjoy it," she told the US magazine.