"My Chemical Romance" drummer Bob Bryar dead at just 44 years old

Tennessee (USA) - Bob Bryar was the drummer for the rock band "My Chemical Romance" from 2004 to 2014. Now the drummer has died unexpectedly at the age of 44.

To this day, he is considered the longest-serving drummer of "My Chemical Romance". Bob Bryar was only 44 years old.
To this day, he is considered the longest-serving drummer of "My Chemical Romance". Bob Bryar was only 44 years old.  © IMAGO / The Photo Access

As TMZ reported, Bryar was found dead in his home in the US state of Tennessee on Tuesday. He was last seen alive by several passers-by on November 4.

According to the police, all the weapons and music equipment Bryar had at home were untouched. The officers are therefore not assuming any foul play.

Two sniffer dogs were used to search the house. Bryar's body was found in a heavily decomposed state, it is said.

The cause of the prominent drummer's death is now being investigated by forensic experts.

Bryar first met the band members of "My Chemical Romance" in 2004 when they were on tour with "The Used". As the crew had differences with their drummer at the time, Matt Pelissier (47), he was replaced by Bryar shortly after the release of the album "Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge".

Among other things, Bryar contributed to the 2006 album "The Black Parade", which is considered the group's best-known record, and co-wrote several songs.

Bob Bryar (seen in the background) celebrated great success with "My Chemical Romance".
ContentImage.Description   © Jeff Fusco / Getty Images North America / Getty Images via AFP

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Even before the release of "Danger Days", Bryar left the group and initially worked with other bands in the years that followed before announcing that he would switch from the music industry to the real estate industry.

In the years following his departure from the rock band, Bryar reported in online posts that he had suffered from suicidal thoughts on several occasions.

"My Chemical Romance" has not yet officially commented on Bryar's death. The group would like to go on tour again next year.

TAG24 does not normally report on possible suicides. However, as this is a well-known musician, the editorial team has decided to report on the case.

If you are affected by suicidal thoughts yourself, you can contact the telephone counseling service around the clock, anonymously of course. Telephone counseling: 08001110111 or 08001110222 or 08001110116123.