Man finds suitcase in stream: when he looks inside, his breath catches in his throat
Texas (USA) - He loves being out in nature. Recently, Marcel, who lives in the US state of Texas, went into the forest again. In a small stream, he suddenly spotted a completely filthy suitcase.
Marcel fished out his curious find with a sense of adventure and leaned it against a broken branch. Then he opened the suitcase unsteadily.
As he did so, the Texan's hand brushed against the fabric of a Halloween mask, causing his heart to drop for good.
"The first thing I saw when I opened it was the Halloween mask, and that caught me off guard," Marcel explained in an interview with Newsweek this week.
In addition to the scary paraphernalia, the suitcase was full of various items that puzzled the finder, including underwear, pills, a CD and a drug pipe.
Nevertheless, Marcel was relieved in one respect.
Users puzzle it out on Reddit
"I think after that I was just relieved that I hadn't found a body or anything like that," he told the US magazine. "I decided to look around for more stuff and found a second suitcase, which only contained a laptop and some fabric, as well as what must have been a tent," the American added.
To share his find with others, Marcel posted it on Reddit a few days ago. It caused a lot of discussion there. Thousands of comments have since been added.
The wildest theories are being spun about where the suitcase could have come from - and the story behind it. Whether lost, stolen or simply thrown away. The Reddit community is relatively unanimous on one point: according to them, there doesn't seem to be a serious crime behind it.
Incidentally, Marcel wanted to look for the mysterious suitcase again a few days later. But he couldn't find the spot in the forest where he had left it.
This mystery will probably never be solved!