Family wants to choose a Golden Retriever: What a puppy does then warms every heart

Canada - It is always a very special moment when people choose a (new) pet from a breeder or animal shelter. That's what happened to Kayla and Dayton when they chose their Golden Retriever.

Reba has conquered the hearts of her owners with this dog look.
Reba has conquered the hearts of her owners with this dog look.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/rebasgoldenlife (2)

The two dog owners recorded the moment of selection with their smartphones, packaged the two snapshots as a video and posted it on TikTok.

It shows seven super-cute golden retriever puppies, all of whom are waiting for a new family. Six of the four-legged friends are cuddled up on the floor, with just one sitting attentively and looking its potential owners straight in the eye.

"When your golden retriever chooses you instead of you choosing him" was the apt description of the post. For Kayla and Dayton, it was immediately clear which dog they were taking home.

The puppy's cute behavior not only touched the couple, but also numerous TikTok users. The clip has now been clicked almost 790,000 times. "I've waited so long for you", one user imitates the thought of the little four-legged friend. "Look at this chubby baby," enthuses another.

Videos of Golden Retriever Reba are a hit on TikTok

Bitch Reba has already grown

Reba has already grown considerably and keeps his owners on their toes.
Reba has already grown considerably and keeps his owners on their toes.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/rebasgoldenlife (2)

"She's been our girl since day one," the two owners commented on their TikTok video. In the meantime, Reba, as the dog is called, has grown considerably and keeps her owners on their toes.

Followers can regularly look forward to new clips and pictures of the female golden retrieveron both Instagram and TikTok.