Doctor is appalled at how people react to her husband's profession

USA - do opposites attract? At least in this case you could say that! Because while Dr. Kendall Spivey (27) works as a junior doctor in emergency medicine, her husband takes a completely different career path.

Mr. and Mrs. Spivey have been happily married for years. Professionally, however, their careers could hardly be more different.
Mr. and Mrs. Spivey have been happily married for years. Professionally, however, their careers could hardly be more different.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/kennyspivey24

Mr. Spivey works as a UPS driver in the low-wage sector - and has done so ever since the US couple met at college. But only others have ever had a problem with this unusual combination.

The 27-year-old had her first negative conversation in this regard with a fellow student during her studies.

"I had mentioned that my boyfriend at the time was coming to visit me for the weekend and she asked what he did for a living. I told her he was a UPS driver. She said, 'So you're going to be a doctor and marry a UPS driver?" Spivey told Newsweek this week, describing the conversation at the time.

Until then, she had never considered their relationship unusual. There is a plausible explanation for this.

Spivey vents her anger in a viral TikTok video

Mr. Spivey has been a satisfied UPS driver for many years.
Mr. Spivey has been a satisfied UPS driver for many years.  © TikTok/Screenshot/kennyspivey24

"My parents were such a strong role model for me that you can be anything you want in this life as long as you have work ethic and ambition," the intern told the US magazine.

Then the crucial sentences: "My mother was the first in the family to go to college and get a master's degree. My father has many talents, but school just wasn't one of them."

So the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The academic's parents already have an almost identical "career gap". Meanwhile, the criticism of her choice of partner is causing Spivey a fair amount of horror. She recently vented her anger in a now viral video on TikTok.

And the medical professional also argued clearly to Newsweek: "Some of my colleagues have housewives, partners from a lower income bracket or spouses without the educational background they have (...) and no one bats an eyelid."

And further: "For some reason (...) society is not yet so accepting of the woman being the main breadwinner and/or having a higher educational status than her male partner."

Conclusion: Equality is not always just about women!