"Lone wolf" steals sacred 9/11 memorabilia: father takes him to police!

New York - A 21-year-old man has been accused of stealing a memorial commemorating the victims of 9/11 - his own father allegedly turned him in topolice .

Deikel Alcantara (21) stole a valuable commemorative rose from a church.
Deikel Alcantara (21) stole a valuable commemorative rose from a church.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Deikel Manuel Alcantara

As reported by the New York Post, Deikel Alcantara is said to have stolen a memorial rose worth 3,000 dollars (approx. 2,880 euros) last Wednesday.

This gilded work of art was kept on a shrine in a church in the American metropolis of New York.

The memorial honors the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, in particular the pastor of the church.

Shortly after the theft, Alcantara's father took him to the police station, where he was arrested.

The church's pastor explained that the thief was known in the community. "We've seen him several times - he's like a lone wolf. If he had asked for help, I would have helped him, but he avoided any contact," he added.

He also emphasized that the incident was not only a robbery, but also an act of desecration.

However, the fate of the gilded rose remains uncertain, as it has not yet been returned to the church despite Alcantara's arrest, according to the police.