What this jewelry is made of will make your jaw drop!
Toronto - Anyone can make jewelry out of silver or gold. But what about necklaces or rings made from sperm?
Canadian Amanda Booth has apparently discovered this "gap in the market" for herself and actually sells jewelry made from sticky love juice under the cheerful name"Jizzy Jewellery" - from the abdomens of both men and women.
The whole thing would even make a great Christmas gift with a personal touch, as you can send in your own semen and Booth will turn it into a unique accessory.
"We can turn your sperm into a real jewel," says the website. On TikTok, the Canadian gives deep insights into the manufacturing process, showing how, for example, her husband's dried semen is turned into a precious piece of jewelry.
Aside from questionable Christmas presents, the pieces would also be suitable as a gift in the run-up to an upcoming vasectomy.
But women can also send in their own body fluids, as Booth also makes bracelets, earrings and necklaces from breast milk.