Doctor anesthetizes pregnant ex-girlfriend (27) and secretly aborts her baby

Goiânia (Brazil) - Everything seemed perfect: a 27-year-old Brazilian woman was expecting a child from her 25-year-old boyfriend, a young doctor. But when they broke up, the man came up with a dangerous plan.

In July of this year, the 27-year-old told her boyfriend that she was pregnant. (symbolic image)
In July of this year, the 27-year-old told her boyfriend that she was pregnant. (symbolic image)  © 123RF/peopleimages12

As G1 reported, the couple met while she was studying medicine at university.

They started a relationship, moved in together and in July of this year, the 27-year-old told the 25-year-old that she was pregnant.

All seemed right with the world until the sudden break-up.

The man demanded that she abort the child.

But the young woman refused and explained that she wanted to continue the pregnancy.

The man forges a momentous plan

The young woman decided against an abortion and her boyfriend then lured her into a trap. (symbolic image)
The young woman decided against an abortion and her boyfriend then lured her into a trap. (symbolic image)  © Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

When she decided against an abortion, the young man rowed back and claimed that he wanted to start a family with her after all.

At the end of October, he invited her on a short trip to Pirenópolis (a small Brazilian town) - an invitation that later turned out to be a cold trap.

During the trip, the woman became increasingly drowsy and eventually lost consciousness completely.

When she regained consciousness, she was in for a shock: her ex was tampering with her private parts and apparently trying to abort the baby.

The pregnant woman then managed to get help and call the police.

Doctors find suspicious pills in the abdomen

The young woman's waters broke in hospital. (symbolic image)
The young woman's waters broke in hospital. (symbolic image)  © Frank Molter/dpa

After the incident, the 27-year-old felt increasingly ill, so a relative took her to hospital.

But it was already too late for the baby. At the hospital, the amniotic sac burst in severe pain and the dead fetus had to be removed.

The attending doctor discovered two tablets in the Brazilian woman's uterus, which had apparently caused the miscarriage.

The 25-year-old is being investigated for abortion without consent and the pills are being examined by a forensic doctor.