Woman receives text message from her son's teacher (5) - shortly afterwards tears of laughter flow

USA - There's never a dull moment with a small child!

Crystal Starnes could only frown in confusion at this text message.
Crystal Starnes could only frown in confusion at this text message.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/mrs.starnes22 (2)

Crystal Starnes recently learned this in a truly curious way when she received a text message from her five-year-old son Hudson's primary school teacher.

She had been asked by the boy about a bizarre find - and could only frown at first.

"Good morning! Don't worry, Hudson's not in trouble for this, lol!" the teacher wrote in the text message, which Crystal has since posted on her TikTok account. "He came [...] up to me earlier and pulled this out of his back pocket and asked me what it was."

She added a picture of what the confused primary school pupil had found: a latex-free condom.

Crystal would normally have blushed and sunk to the ground. Instead, she frowned in amazement. She had herself sterilized a few years ago. This means that she and her husband don't have any condoms at home, she explained to People.

Crystal published the curious chat history on TikTok

Crystal can think of reason for condom find - and only laugh about it

The discovery of the five-year-old raised a number of questions.
The discovery of the five-year-old raised a number of questions.  © Screenshot/TikTok/mrs.starnes22

After a little thought, however, she had a little brainwave. She had recently bought the pants at Walmart and hadn't washed or checked them again before putting them on. Someone had probably had a joke in the store and placed the contraceptive in the bag.

Crystal could only laugh at this. "Kids are just wild. You just never know what to expect, especially with little boys."

Incidentally, the teacher had not explained to the boy what his find was about. She wanted to leave the explanation to his mother.

However, Crystal and her husband were spared this conversation for the time being. The boy did not talk about his find on his own.